Friday, January 11, 2013


Finished the Thesis ahah!!

Monday, November 22, 2010


I love having a blog haha. I can't wait until I read this 50 years later haha.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Keep Pushing

You can't give up, you just gotta keep going and going like energizer!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I think the key to writing a blog is not to think so much and just write what you feel.  So from now on I am going to post short blogs about my life.  My thesis will be taking over my life for the next 7 weeks.  See you soon.  

Monday, October 19, 2009

The second post?

I should write about my trip to Tai.wan as my friends are writing it haha babies I swear.... But I think that will take a long time so maybe next time. I'm actually suppose to meet a friend soon and work on my thesis at the same time but instead I am distracting myself again by writing this blog. Wow this is helping a lot haha. I actually just finished looking at a bunch of old pics from my friend Julian's facebook page.

Looking at those pics made me reminisce about all the good times I had in the bay. I miss all my friends back there. I can't believe how long its been since I actually lived there. I haven't lived back in the bay since the year of 2003-2004, ever since than I lived in L.A. and China. I've been thinking if whether or not I should move back and be closer with my friends and family. Hmmm I guess well just have to wait and see.

Not bad for a short post, blogs: a really good distracting tool.

"Just keep pushing forward"


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The First post?

YO whats up, this is the first post of the crazy kat name nick. Lets see how many people in the world will see my blog. I think at first I was hesitant to write a blog because I was embarrassed about my writing but it doesn't really matter because I don't want to live my life being afraid to do something. I just want to go out and do it. I want to be that person that just does it and doesn't think about it. Life is too short to think about the consequences, if we wait too long we might miss that chance. I tried to start this blog my first year in China but I never got around to it.

Now I am in my second year and I am writing my first entry talk about being a procrastinator. China has since blocked many blogging websites including the one that I am using now. So make sure you keep this post between you and me haha j/k. I think it will be interesting to see how persistent I am with keeping updates about my life. I'm not even gonna spell check my blogs, I'm just gonna write them and then post them. Sometimes that's the best way to do things just do it and don't think about it.
Right now I am suppose to be working on my thesis that is due next week, but I am avoiding it because I am blogging right now. Starting this blog was something that I also tried to avoid before but now I am using it to avoid something else haha, weird. That probably didn't make sense to some people, but I don't really care if it does :). You just got to do it and don't think about it.

I think I learned this technique from being a teacher. In my first year teaching I would teach the students a lesson and some of the students would complain and say that its boring, so I would try to accommodate them and change it up. But I didn't realize that some of the students in the class actually enjoyed what I was talking about. So I had to learn fast that you can't please everybody. So now when I give my lessons I do them and I don't care what students say, I stand by word.

Its just so hard to make everyone happy, some people like this and some people like that. The important thing is to value what you believe in. I think it is good to listen to other people's opinions but ultimately it is you yourself that should make the final decision.

Wow pretty heavy stuff for a first blog, don't you think? ha. I don't really have any pictures to post right now, since I am using the computer in my classroom and my laptop has burned out. So I guess till next time, who knows when that will be.

holla if u like it yeeeeeee
nick out, China, Shenzhen yeeeeeeee "seize the day" sers